Old Age Home Service Scheme

Aasra Foundation Bareta, India, Punjab Region Helping Helpless Elderly People

The objective of this scheme is to ensure the benefit of old age allowance to the needy, especially the poor sections of the society such as agricultural laborers, rural artisans, members of scheduled castes/backward classes and small and middle class farmers etc

The Old Age Pension Scheme was started at the initial level from the time of United Punjab with the objective of providing social protection to such old persons who are unable to live by their own means and need financial assistance.

  • helpless old people are helped
  • Old people are treated by Aasra Foundation
  • Food and clothes are given to old people by Aasra Foundation

Treatment of old people by Aasra Foundation

Ensuring the benefits of old age allowance to agricultural labourers, rural artisans, members of scheduled castes/backward classes and small and middle class farmers etc..

Team of Aasra Foundation Bareta, India, Punjab region helps helpless old people, they are given proper treatment, they are given clothes and food

treatmentof old people?

Team of Aasra Foundation Bareta, India, Punjab region conducts eye camps every month, helps helpless old people and makes them undergo eye operations so that they can see the green world.

treatment of old people